The Fridge Is Making You Fat
“If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all.” - Joey Adams
January 19th, 2025:
Now Joey may have been exaggerating a bit, but he makes valid point about the fridge.
Let me paint you a picture. You wake up Saturday morning and you need to get groceries for the week, you decide to pull out your phone and open up the Amazon app and navigate to the Groceries tab. You start shopping for your weekly essentials and after a few minutes you're ready to checkout with all of the grocery items you need that week. A few more clicks and the order is placed, it should be at your front door in a few hours. All that grocery shopping and you haven't even got out of bed.

Now let's say that you didn't have a fridge to store all of those delicious grocery foods in. For starters you'd have to completely change the way you think about food. You wouldn't be able to go out and bulk get a ton of food and store it. You'd need to have more of a daily routine to get the food you need for that day, or even a specific meal. In short, you'd move a lot more! This is what humans used to have to do for their food. They'd hunt, gather, and farm all of their own food; which means a LOT more movement than ordering a grocery haul from your phone.
The fridge is just one example, a lot of modern technology has helped us solve so many different problems and made our lives easier. However, at the same time it has caused us to move significantly less! If we want to move today, we have to take the time to schedule it (going to the gym, running, etc.) because it doesn't come naturally like it used to.
Now this poses a problem. One of the most common forms of scheduled exercise is going to the gym, but not everyone lives super close to a gym or wants to spend the money for a monthly gym membership. So this is what makes movement an harder obstacle nowadays since it isn't integrated into ones required daily life routine.
The question is now, is it possible to turn back time and start having movement integrated into our daily life so that it can have a positive effect? Come back next week when I discuss how we can start making movement a more integral part of our lives with little effort...